It is not growing like a tree
Or standing long an oak, three hundred year,
To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere:
A lily of a day
Is fairer far in May,
Although it fall and die that night—
It was the plant and flower of Light.
In small proportions we just beauties see;
And in short measures life may perfect be.
In bulk, doth make man better be;
– Ben Johnson
My journey with Professor Charles Ngwena began in Pretoria, a nerve-wracking moment presenting my mini-dissertation proposal on Article 14(2)(c) of the Maputo Protocol concerning abortion. I, an admittedly proud Master’s student then, had the audacity to suggest a gap in his already extensive research on the Protocol. I recall specifically arguing that while his work comprehensively covered the legal framework of the Maputo Protocol and even acknowledged its limitations regarding transformative potential due to the restricted grounds for abortion, it lacked a substantial examination of the limited scope itself. Specifically, I felt it needed a deeper analysis of the impact of excluding socio-economic grounds and abortion on request. He listened intently, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to my youthful spiritedness.
That recollection dawned on me that I had crossed what the Indians call the ‘Lakshman Rekha’. Where, however, one would have expected a thorough dressing down, or a dismissive shrug to my challenge, a rather impetuous one, the Prof Ngwena engaged with my challenge and offered critical insights and suggested avenues for further research. . This initial interaction set the tone for our relationship: one of mutual respect and intellectual generosity. I immediately created a dedicated folder for his publications, a collection I cherish to this day and have added to it over the years we have worked together. Throughout my academic exchanges, Prof Ngwena never made me feel ‘small’. Every statement was accompanied by an infectious smile

Our connection deepened when I received a doctoral scholarship through the “Political Determinants of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Africa” Project at the Centre for Law & Social Transformation (LawTransform), University of Bergen. Alongside Siri Gloppen, they became my supervisors for the project, “Power Dynamics in the Provision of Legal Abortion: A Feminist Perspective on Nurses and Conscientious Objection in South Africa.” These two academic giants were a blessing to me. They shaped me into their ‘likeness’ and insisted I pushed myself beyond the limits.

I remember some people feeling worried for me when they learned Prof was my supervisor. He had a reputation for high standards, and I guess they thought I was in for a tough time. He expected the best from his students, and he wasn’t afraid to push us to achieve it. What those well-meaning people didn’t see was the other side of him. Yes, he was demanding, but he was also incredibly supportive, absolutely motivating. He was always available to offer guidance, answer questions, and provide encouragement. He celebrated my successes, big and small, and I knew he genuinely wanted me to succeed. He created a learning environment where I felt challenged but also nurtured.
To be part of this journey with Professors Gloppen and Ngwena had been a great honor, the most memorable, educative ride any passenger could have asked for. They both saw the potential in my research that I hadn’t fully realized myself. As usual, he pushed me to consider the complexities of power within the healthcare system, urging me to look beyond the simple narrative of law versus practice. This guidance profoundly shaped my research, leading to a more nuanced and impactful analysis.
When I was wrestling with the theoretical chapter of my dissertation, specifically the sections on the concept of power and African feminism, I encountered a challenge. I was already aware of the shortcomings of Foucault’s concept of power, particularly its lack of gender consciousness. Prof Ngwena astutely pointed out that any reader would naturally ask, “If you already recognize these limitations, why dedicate so much space to discussing Foucault?” He then offered invaluable guidance, saying, “I understand what you are trying to convey, but you need to choose a narrative that conveys that, notwithstanding, it is not your aim to throw out the baby with the bathwater.” In essence, he was advising me to acknowledge Foucault’s limitations while still recognizing the value of his contributions. I needed to present a balanced perspective, demonstrating how Foucault’s ideas, even with their shortcomings, could still be useful tools for understanding power dynamics, especially when considered in conjunction with and through the lens of African feminist thought. I needed to show how I was building upon, rather than simply rejecting, existing theories.
Our collaboration, and our great relationship, extended beyond my dissertation to the post-doc. He taught me the importance of creating a learning environment that fostered critical thinking and encouraged diverse perspectives. We worked closely on the Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Africa (SRRA) program, which I later managed. He entrusted me with significant responsibilities, providing invaluable mentorship as I navigated the complexities of curriculum development and program administration. For example, when I was first approached by external Universities to examine Master’s dissertations, the only person I know I could reach out to without any trepidation was Prof. As typical of the man I came to regard as my academic mentor, he generously shared templates with me, noting that was part of the academic support he was ready to provide to enable me to become more acquainted with what is required of examiners and in higher education generally.

Prof. Ngwena also encouraged me to broaden my intellectual horizons through the many colloquiums we organized together. When I first conceived the concept for the colloquium on FGM, he challenged me. “How much do you want to push the needle, Satang?” he asked. He suggested I loosen the grip of traditional human rights discourse and foreground the complexities of criminalization and its intersection with sexual and reproductive health. He wanted the colloquium to be more than just another human rights event; he wanted it to spark a real conversation about the unintended consequences of certain approaches and explore alternative strategies. This advice led to a highly engaging and thought-provoking colloquium that challenged conventional wisdom and generated new research questions and a forthcoming book project that he asked me to shepherd on the politics of criminalization on FGM.

Prof Ngwena consistently championed my work and that of other emerging scholars. He facilitated opportunities for us to contribute to important policy dialogues. This included our work with Dr. T, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, organizing and co-authoring the paper on “Sexual health and rights: Intersections with reproductive justice, gender and gender-based violence ” for the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health Handover Dialogues in 2021. Through the work of our doctoral student, Kerigo, we were able to make inputs into some of her reports, extending our reach and impact.

Professor Ngwena was always the first to congratulate me on a new publication, a small gesture that spoke volumes about his commitment to nurturing young scholars. And he never hesitated to write a reference letter or share a relevant opportunity, always eager to help me advance my career. In Prof Ngwena, the milk of human kindness abundantly flowed. He was simply the embodiment of human excellence.

One of the highlights of my career was the Ngwena Conference in 2023, organized by myself, Rutendo Chinomona, and other colleagues to celebrate his immense contributions to human rights and highlight his pioneering work in advancing SRHR in Africa. His generosity was evident even in this moment of celebration for him. He graciously agreed to have my book, Choice and Conscience, launched during the conference. I remember jokingly saying that I was his second favorite student after Ebenezer, to which he replied, “You are also my favorite, Satang.” Our dear mother, Patricia, then chimed in, saying that it was all one household and that though they missed the book launch, they were fully present in spirit, showering me with love and pride. This encapsulates the kind of supportive and intellectually stimulating environment he cultivated.
He later generously joined the North American launch of the book in 2024, organized by the University of Dayton Human Rights Center.

Prof Ngwena’s influence on my life and career is immeasurable. He taught me not only how to be a rigorous scholar but also how to be a generous mentor and a thoughtful and ethical advocate for social justice. He instilled in me the importance of challenging assumptions, pushing boundaries, and always striving to make a difference. His legacy, oh what a legacy, will continue to inspire me and countless others for years to come.
As we bid adieu to my dearest Professor, one who has touched my life in ways indescribable, I remember these lines from ‘A Psalm of Life’ by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
I take heart that Prof Ngwena is now in a better place. He ran the race of life in very grand style. In his shadows, we continue to walk and work.
Adieu, Professor Charles Ngwena!